I bought her groceries…..

…….and she thought I’d lost it. We had smiled at each other in the checkout line. She seemed tired. I felt good. I’d been listening to a report about raising the debt ceiling and about our so-called “culture war.” I just returned north from Florida where this so-called war is supposed to be in full view, and where the Governor is using it to fuel his Presidential aspirations. I refused to buy it, this war stuff that is. While in Florida, I smiled, opened doors for folks, chatted, and filled those small moments in life out in public with pleasurable conversation, with no awareness of political orientation. So today, back in Western New York, in the grocery store checkout line, I brought a smile to a woman’s face once she realized that I was serious about buying her groceries (and that I wasn’t crazy). She knew not a thing about me, nor I a thing about her. We were two people simply being nice to one another, without regard to our political persuasion. I hope I made her day. I know her smile made mine.